Arte Animalier, brings new life to spaces

Arte Animalier, brings new life to spaces

A work of art can tell many stories. The one we present today talks about the world of animals, very special and appealing artistic subjects that are well suited to decorate contemporary homes and spaces, giving a touch of personality and character to the places where they are inserted.

L'arte Animalier rende nuovi e speciali gli ambienti: qui un'opera che arreda una casa in stile minimal dando carattere e personalità allo spazio

Animal art makes any environment new and special: this painting decorates a house in minimalist style, giving character and personality to the space

“Animal figures,” explains Alberto Mariani, “have always existed in the art world. Our subjects come from a very interesting project developed by one of our artists who knew how to reinterpret the classic work, giving the animal figures a new face and expression through the application of high-quality materials. In fact, some of these canvas paintings are made using a rare and secret technique where the artist paints on a base covered entirely by hand in gold leaf, obtaining special “light and shade” effects. We introduced this exclusive new feature a few years ago. Other works, instead, were made with the authentic fresco technique, which has distinguished our artistic laboratory for decades”.

Nella savana riposa il leopardo, una versione del soggetto con finitura in foglia oro

A leopard resting in the Savannah, a version of the subject with a gold-leaf finish

Lo sguardo del leone, l’ultimo dei capolavori di Mariani realizzato a mano su tela rivestita in foglia oro. La tecnica pittorica utilizzata rende il soggetto una presenza viva

The eyes of a lion, the latest masterpiece by Mariani, hand painted on canvas covered in gold leaf. The painting technique brings the subject to life

“The architects that we work with often order these works to decorate homes they design. They can transform any space into a captivating atmosphere, especially homes with a minimalist style, where these paintings give a touch of magic and life”.

Tutta la bellezza e la forza della tigre in un affresco molto particolare realizzato da uno degli artisti Mariani

All the beauty and strength of the tiger in a very special fresco painted by a Mariani artist

Il passo del leopardo, un’opera della collezione ArteMariani in versione foglia argento

The walk of the leopard, a painting from the ArteMariani collection in silver leaf


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