“The entire sky is populated with stars, very small and immense. They are points of luminous embroidery sparkling on a dark velvet backdrop, conspiring on a transparent veil, growing dimmer on pale blue silk. They are glow-worms wandering across never-ending meadows in continuous, tireless palpitations”.
These words were written by the children’s book author, Giuseppe Fanciulli.
In this quote, I liked the idea of the stars being “points of luminous embroidery”.
Impreziosisce l'ambiente e rende unico lo spazio: un soffitto decorato a foglia oro by Mariani Affreschi

It adds beauty to the environment and makes the space unique: a ceiling decorated with gold leaf by Mariani Affreschi

Embroidery is nothing more than a decoration and today we will examine the magical atmosphere created by ceilings decorated with gold leaf. We are talking about pure craftsmanship.

When creating this type of fresco, the artist first does a freehand drawing of the decoration directly on the ceiling. This delicate operation comes from the painter’s imagination and the customer’s requests, but also from the size of the area to be decorated.
'artista prepara a mano libera lo "sviluppo" del decoro

The artist prepares to freehand draw the decoration

The motifs are inspired by classic tradition, but every work contains the artist’s special stroke and what inspired him at that moment.
After creating the “embroidery,” the gold leaf is applied on the decoration itself or on the background. In this latter case, the decoration is created using chiaroscuro colours. The decorations are then outlined to exalt their shape and contrast with the gold.
L'artista applica la foglia oro

The artist applies the gold leaf

L'ultimo tocco: il profilo della foglia oro e il soffitto è un'opera d'arte

The last touch: the profile of the gold leaf and the ceiling is a work of art

The artists at Mariani Affreschi have decorated ceilings with gold leaf in private homes or public places throughout the world. Part of the company’s philosophy is to promote the sense of uniqueness that belongs to every handmade work and that has always distinguished good Italian craftsmanship.
To understand the beauty of these frescoes, just look at the photos.
Un soffito affrescato a foglia oro di una residenza privata

A ceiling of a private home with a gold leaf fresco

  • palma
    Posted at 20:21h, 02 March


  • e.grassi arredamenti s.r.l. - Forlì
    Posted at 10:15h, 03 March

    Potremmo essere interessati ad una collaborazione.

  • Adriana Gutierrez
    Posted at 01:04h, 04 March

    You never stop to amase us!!!
    Design & quality is unique, plus your magnificent technic make Mariani Affrechi the best in its kind

  • Mauro Terenzi
    Posted at 10:39h, 05 March

    Stupendi, sono dei capolavori unici. Bravi, siete sempre i migliori.

    Posted at 09:40h, 17 March

    Sono veramente stupendi, ma avevamo già avuto modo di ammirarli allorquando ci siamo apprestati a dipingere/decorare la nostra casa. Ci sarebbe piaciuto tanto poter fare qualcosa del genere, ma purtroppo la nostra casa non si presta per queste meraviglie (che richiedono certamente grandi spazi), per cui abbiamo dovuto accontentarci (se così si può dire per i capolavori di Mariani) di qualcosa di diverso ma certamente più consono alla nostra abitazione. Certamente gli affreschi che ci sono stati forniti piacciono molto non solo a noi ma a chiunque visita la nostra casa, ed è bello vedere lo stupore e l’entusiasmo sul viso dei nostri ospiti. Complimenti a Voi ed ai Vostri Artisti (con la A maiuscola) e grazie per averci consentito di avere una casa diversa dall’usuale.

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