Con l’arrivo della Primavera sbocciano anche le opere Mariani Affreschi. I profumi si spandono nell’aria, è giunta la bella stagione, portatrice di tepore e voglia di...
Con l’arrivo della Primavera sbocciano anche le opere Mariani Affreschi. I profumi si spandono nell’aria, è giunta la bella stagione, portatrice di tepore e voglia di...
How Art and Plants can interact to create a unique decor style. During this period of isolation caused by the current health crisis, the Home has...
Affreschi per la vostra camera da letto, su misura e di grandi dimensioni ispirati alla statuaria classica, neoclassica e barocca. Da sempre Mariani Affreschi presta grande...
A minimal and geometric environment, enriched by beautiful classic frescoes It is well known that opposites attract, and playing with this technique has become very fashionable...
L’ obiettivo dell’ Interior Design è da sempre quello di unire il fattore estetico a quello pratico, come ad esempio ampliare gli spazi, siano essi...
. The fresco is a painting technique also suitable for exterior walls, and does not fear sudden temperature changes. . We are in Cervinia, a town immersed in...
Beausoleil on the French Riviera is a sunny town close to the sea. Given its proximity to the most famous principality of Monaco, it is...
[caption id="attachment_3374" align="alignnone" width="600"] Frescoed cherubs in a ceiling rosette[/caption] . By definition, angels are semantic of divine messengers. Linked to religious symbology, they have been represented...
For Mariani, each fresco painted is a unique and unrepeatable child. It is often born from the interpretation of a customer’s special request which is...
The evolution of the fresco technique has brought new challenges to Mariani Affreschi artists, such as the redesign and adaptation of famous frescoes in private...