Designer Doors, a project between Mariani Affreschi and Barausse

Designer Doors, a project between Mariani Affreschi and Barausse

From an encounter with the Barausse company, a leader in the production of indoor and outdoor luxury doors, Mariani Affreschi has been chosen for a special project that fully meets the needs of contemporary living, where versatility and functionality go hand in hand with customisation and the possibility of having a unique product every time.
Tutta l'eleganza e la bellezza della porta Giotto, l'opera ad affresco si può eventualmente utilizzare separatamente come quadro

All the elegance and beauty of the Giotto door. The fresco can also be used separately as a painting to hang on a wall

After noticing the superior “quality” of its frescoes, Barausse selected Mariani Affreschi as a partner for its project involving the creation of doors with painted panels. The elaborately designed and detailed doors by Barausse have been embellished with frescoes by Mariani. But the real novelty lies in the fact that the Mariani artworks, which are painted on panels and applied on the doors, can be used at any time also as paintings, thus giving the living space as much variety as possible.
Un particolare della porta Giotto, i colori dell'affresco dialogano con le finiture dorate della porta

A detail of the Giotto door, the colours of the fresco interact with the gold finishes of the door

“With Mariani, we have established an artistic liaison,” explains Chiara Rigoni communication manager of Barausse. “To create these special doors, which were premiered at MosBuild and re-proposed with numerous innovative features at Made Expo. We commissioned Mariani to reproduce precise subjects, based on the iconography found in Venetian and Palladio villas, which combined to the design of the door, allow furnishing and decorating an environment giving it a stylish period “feel.” For Made Expo 2013 we presented panels using the Mariani works, and paintings matched with wooden diamond-pointed rusticated ashlars as a covering for walls and ceilings”.
Una delle porte speciali realizzate in collaborazione con Barausse

One of the special doors, the Doge, with a fresco by Mariani

The door becomes, therefore, a new exclusive decorating element with a strength of being able, on its own, to furnish an area, giving it a precious and elegant style. A project inspired by the classic with a very modern spirit, for those who want something unique and functional for today’s life.

Un particolare della porta realizzata da Barausse con l'applicazione dell'affresco firmato realizzato dai maestri artigiani di Mariani

A detail of the door made by Barausse with application of the fresco by Mariani’s master artists

Un'ambientazione suggestiva, sulla destra l'affresco con la sua pregiata corince, a sinistra la porta realizzata da Barausse

An evocative setting: on the right, a beautifully framed fresco; on the left, a door made by Barausse

    Posted at 06:12h, 05 October


  • tonio
    Posted at 08:19h, 05 October

    Molto interessante:) Complimenti.

  • Navarra Luigi
    Posted at 13:22h, 05 October

    Complimenti e’ sempre bello vedre le Vostre opere

  • gino
    Posted at 16:15h, 05 October

    E’ un vero spettacolo, complimenti.

  • mario valerio
    Posted at 19:29h, 05 October

    questa idea delle porte affrescate è un idea bellissima , artisticamente insuperabile complimenti a tutti

  • elena
    Posted at 22:50h, 06 October

    e’ bellissima la vostra idea delle porte affrescate con i vostri lavori,siete super.
    io e’ da circa 20 anni che faccio vetrate in vetro fusione per porte ed altro,e ho sempre sostenuto di arrichire queste porte eseguendo in esse lavori artistici focendole diventare delle vere opere…vi auguro un buon successo distintamente, elena

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