At times, we forget about it. And instead there it is, over our head. We should always look up to see what is over our head. When we enter a church, a palazzo, and even a house. Just remember to look up. It would be a shame to miss such a magical experience. Personally, it is something that has always intrigued me. To decorate a ceiling with a painting and know that it will remain there for a long time and be testimony to many stories, words, discussions, hugs, smiles and silences.
Un artista di Mariani Affreschi lavora alla realizzazione di un soffitto affrescato
An artist at Mariani Affreschi works on a frescoed ceiling
Apart from the poetic aspect, I believe it is interesting to understand how this type of painting is actually created: what are the pro or cons, what are the most requested. We asked someone who has been creating them for many years to tell us about the secrets behind a frescoed ceiling. Here is an interview with Alberto Mariani.
1) Do you get many requests for ceiling paintings?
The ceiling is the “Achilles’ heel” of home decoration because furniture and light fixtures alone are not enough to fill the “void” represented by a white ceiling. Especially in historical residences, ceiling decoration is just as important as the choice of a high-quality floor.
2) How are the frescoes proposed?
In 99% of the cases, the frescoes and decorations can be painted directly on-site because of the large surfaces of a ceiling, and in particular, vaulted ceilings. However, when the ceiling is flat, the work can first be prepared in our workshop and then glued to the ceiling. In two hours, a decoration can be applied that will change the look of your home forever.
Un affresco a soffitto puo' dare a un locale un'atmosfera molto particolare. Ecco un'ambientazione realizzata da Mariani Affreschi
A ceiling fresco can give your rooms very special atmosphere. Here is a cafe created by Mariani Affreschi
3) What are the most popular fresco paintings?
Generally, the more historical and prestigious a home, the more frequent the figurative decoration, which is typical of period residences. Nevertheless, many customers really like our newest creations of ceiling friezes and grotesques, particularly finished in gold leaf.
There is also the solution adopted by owners of liberty-style homes where the ceilings are decorated in floral designs.
4) On average, how long does it take to paint a ceiling fresco?
This mostly depends on the type of decoration. First of all, painting over one’s head is harder for an artist and therefore takes more time than working on a wall. In the case of figurative painting, it could take an artist up to one day to paint a human figure. In the case of friezes and grotesques, instead, the execution times vary greatly based on the type of decorations.
I soffitti affrescati possono fungere anche da decoro per complementi d'arredo preziosi come questo lampadario. Tutto by Mariani Affreschi
Frescoed ceilings can also be used to decorate precious furnishing accessories such as this chandelier. All by Mariani Affreschi
5) Therefore, the time does not depend on the size, but on the complexity or easiness of the subject matter?
There are decorations that seem easy and quick to paint, but in actual fact require a long time to create due to the many “layers” needed to create certain “light and shadow” effects.
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