The dome is an architectural element that has always adorned the most prestigious abodes, and the artistic decorations are fundamental for giving a space its unique character.
However, when the construction site is overseas, the wonderful geometry of this element conflicts with the practical needs of the interior designer, because the artists must work away, making it impossible for them to send a painting to be installed on site – a painted canvas cannot be glued to a spherical surface –, which means a notable increase in decoration costs.
To overcome this problem, Mariani Affreschi has launched a revolutionary product: the Italian-made frescoed dome.
A gold leaf rosette, one of the most classic and luxurious decorative models
The frescoed cupola by Mariani is light and resistant, as well as being easy to install
Produced and decorated in Italy at the Mariani atelier, the structure is ready to be shipped and installed on site, without any need for further intervention by the artists.
This light and resistant structure is also available in maxi sizes of over four metres in diameter.
This charcoal drawing illustrates how to install the frescoed dome devised by Mariani Affeschi
The Mariani artists decorate the dome in Italy, according to the model and design chosen by the client, then the structure is sent via container to the construction site and installed by the local builder. The plasterer lays the dome and adds the finishing touches, in particular the application of an elegant gypsum frame.
This process will guarantee the client with definite delivery times and set costs, as well as reducing unforeseen issues to a minimum.
A sketch of an apartment decorated with a Mariani frescoed dome
As the painting progresses on the frescoed dome, Mariani will send the client images of the work to show each stage of realisation and to ensure a ‘made-to-measure’ result for the end client.
Trompe l'oeil with a sky view. The decoration has been embellished with gold and Swarovski crystals
Detail of a decoration on the dome
The size of the frescoed dome can also be fully customised. Mariani has a price list with various measurements, models and set prices, but the client can also request a unique commission, both in terms of the model and dimensions.
Gold and Swarovski crystals embellish the decorative elements of the trompe l’oeil ceiling
In this increasingly industrialised and standardised world, Mariani Affreschi responds yet again to the needs of its clients with artisanal spirit and artistic talent, because we are convinced that, today, the true value of a product lies in its uniqueness.
Detail of the profile of the gold leaf decoration
The initial preparation stage of the gold leaf rosette
Posted at 09:50h, 06 JulyCome sempre siete fantastici con idee mitiche. Complimenti per questa bellissima soluzione.
Gianluca Morello
Posted at 13:17h, 06 JulyFenomenali, spendida trovata complimenti..
Mario Bassi
Posted at 22:24h, 06 JulyComplimenti, un idea veramente geniale.
Pino Urso
Posted at 11:07h, 08 JulyNell’atroce momento di crisi che stiamo attraversando siete un esempio di genialità vitale per tutti. L’unico tentativo di salvezza oggi è, infatti, l’inventiva che si manifesti madre di nuovi prodotti utili e nuove forme di lavoro.
Sono sempre più ammirato e felice di avervi conosciuto. Ad majora e cordiali saluti a tutti.
Pino Urso.
marcello della valle
Posted at 11:31h, 08 Julycomplimenti, se hai bosogno di collaborazione in piemonte..
Marla Chaves
Posted at 15:36h, 08 JulyMuito bonito e uma ideia simples.Poderá ser efectuado o mesmo com Follia d’oro?
Posted at 15:47h, 08 JulyBom dia. Sim, a cupola pode ser decorada mesmo com “papel de ouro” ou ouro liquido. No caso deste motivo decorativo, o ouro è “em papel”
Renato A. Piotta
Posted at 03:09h, 09 JulyA real great concept for the hotel and resort related buildings here in this Asian country. Most of them have an entry dome and craetive solutions are difficult to execute because of money releated issues.
Moira McLeod
Posted at 13:11h, 19 SeptemberI love your work, it’s beautiful, serene and detailed simply to be cherished.
renzo sandrucci
Posted at 21:41h, 19 Septemberin questo momento tragico che stiamo attraversando nel mercato EUROPEO ma soprattutto ITALIANO per quanto ci riguarda è fantastico vedere un piccolo GRUPPO di ARTISTI che con inventiva e forza di carattere presentano innovazioni artistiche come gioielli del Made in ITALI e le espongono alle più grandi manifestazioni nel MONDO lasciando un segno deciso e forte dove loro sempre si distiguono da tutti siete grandi Fratelli MARIANI, TANTI E TANTI AUGURI …….