The Mariani Affreschi artists sapiently made art the protagonist of a beautiful private abode, creating a tailor-made project, commissioned by a refined couple with exceptional taste.

The lady of the house, a cultured and brilliant woman, has personally overseen the interior design over the years, selecting every item of decor, from the curtains to the furniture, to add a unique character and warmth to the home. As the furnishings started to take shape, the walls became increasingly more spartan, requiring a distinctive finish that could really enhance the mood of the entire ambience.

La parete interamente dipinta dagli artisti di Mariani. Protagonista è “Diana ed Endimione” di Poussin, circondato da elaborate riquadrature decorative e finti marmi a boiserie

The walls have been entirely painted by Mariani artists. The key protagonist is ‘Diana and Endymion’ by Poussin, surrounded by elaborate, decorative illusionistic features and fake boiserie marble



After the meeting with the project managers at Mariani Affreschi, the client was able to clearly express the ideas she had in mind. The artists from the Brescia-based company, knowingly translated her expectations into an artistic, decorative fresco that would cover the walls of an entire room, in perfect harmony with the rest of the ambience, also thanks to a careful choice of colours and the delicate pictorial quality of the paintings.

The starting point for the commission was the extremely famous painting by Nicolas Poussin: ‘Diana and Endymion’, an oil on canvas work, currently held at the Museum of Detroit, which was executed by the great French artist in around 1630. In fact, the owner of the house has always loved this work, and her dream has now become a reality. She now has a copy of her own in her own home, while waiting to see the original on her next travel to the United States. To satisfy her wishes, the Mariani artists reproduced a faithful copy in the centre of the living room wall, which stretched from the floor to the ceiling, all the way to the far ends of the room, with pictorial decorations, like illusionistic trompe l’oeil features and decorative friezes on the ceiling (the background of which have been carefully painted in the same tones as the marble flooring for enhanced colour harmony).

L’artista di Mariani durante la realizzazione dell’affresco “Diana ed Endimione”, direttamente nella casa del cliente

The Mariani artist working on the ‘Diana and Endymion’ fresco, directly in the client’s home

“Diana ed Endimione”, dipinta a parete dagli artisti di Mariani in fedele riproduzione del capolavoro di Nicolas Poussin, oggi custodito nel Museo di Detroit

The ‘Diana and Endymion’ wall painting by the Mariani artists. A faithful reproduction of Nicola Poussin’s work, which is currently held by the Museum of Detroit

In questo scatto suggestivo possiamo osservare l’intera stanza dipinta da Mariani Affreschi. E’ evidente la cura di ogni dettaglio, dagli affreschi ai mobili. Sulla destra la Venere italica dipinta a parete

In this striking image, you can see the entire room, painted by Mariani Affreschi, and the evident attention to detail, from the frescoes to the furnishings. On the left is the wall-painting of ‘Venere italica’ (Italian Venus)



As you can see, in the far corner of the room there is a painting of the stone statue of the ‘Venere italica’ (Italian Venus), inside a false niche. The perfect choice of chroma and the curvaceous lines of the female body metaphorically express the elegance and classism that the client wanted to express in every detail of her home.

Also worthy of note is the boiserie panelling, painted in fake marble in the lower area of the walls, which goes all the way around the room, becoming a key feature of some of the most important areas of the space. In fact, painted boiserie are usually used to give harmony and elegance to interiors, even in an unfurnished room, and it is a highly requested form of art work in many of Mariani’s artistic  projects.

Dipinta a mano dagli artisti di Mariani, la boiserie in finto marmo alla base delle pareti si sviluppa sul perimetro della stanza e riempie spazi importanti, conferendo agli interni equilibrio ed eleganza

Hand-painted by Mariani’s artists, the fake marble boiserie on the lower section of the wall goes all the way around the room, filling in some of the more important spaces, adding balance and elegance to the entire interior



The paintings were executed entirely on site, not only for technical reasons, but also to enable the client to follow the realisation of the fresco step-by-step, curating every minute detail with the advice of the Mariani artists. This also allowed for the painting of the false cornices on the walls, which all respect the natural direction of the light, one of the most important factors when creating a real masterpiece.

Una fase preparatoria del fregio a soffitto, dipinto dagli artisti di Mariani in armonia cromatica con la sala

Preparation stage of the ceiling frieze, panted by Mariani artists, to create chromatic harmony with the rest of the room

Gli artisti curano alcuni dettagli pittorici. Il progetto artistico è stato studiato in ogni dettaglio da Mariani Affreschi insieme ai committenti di questa elegante dimora privata

The artists working on some pictorial details. Every aspect of the artistic project was studied by Mariani Affreschi with the client of this elegant private abode

Uno scatto che permette di osservare la sala nel suo insieme: il fregio a soffitto, le riquadrature a parete e la boiserie in finto marmo sono una cornice armoniosa dell’opera principale “Diana ed Endimione”, dipinta da Mariani Affreschi

A view of the entire room: the frieze on the ceiling, the illusionistic wall features and the fake marble boiserie create a harmonious cornice for the main ‘Diana and Endymion’ piece, painted by Mariani Affreschi

We’re pleased to say that we were able to satisfy the expectations of our client, who can now enjoy the beauty of these paintings every day, because, as the German playwright Bertolt Brecht said, “All art forms are in the service of the greatest of all arts: the art of living”.

In fondo a questa galleria di immagini troviamo ciò che in realtà è stato all’origine di tutto il lavoro: il bozzetto preparatorio, ossia lo studio preliminare sottoposto all’approvazione del cliente

At the end of this image gallery, we find what was actually the beginning of the entire project: the preparatory sketch or, more precisely, the preliminary study that was sent to the client for approval

  • Morello Gianluca
    Posted at 08:24h, 16 June

    Semplicemente fantastico…
    Complimenti avete fatto un capolavoro…

  • Alberto
    Posted at 12:04h, 17 June

    Grazie Gianluca. Non da meno i capolavori della Bakokko Group!

  • Monika Pawlas
    Posted at 12:11h, 18 June

    masterpiece of the top class, giving a warm & stylish Atmosphäre.

  • Andrew
    Posted at 19:13h, 22 June

    Very nice classical enteriors!

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